воскресенье, 27 января 2008 г.

Team "IF" - Task 3 (eng)

1) Member - член (например: член сообщества)
2) Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) - часто задаваемые вопросы
3) Nickname - Логин
4) Friends - люди в списке друзей
5) Profile - личные данные

1) To update - обнавлять
2) To invite - приглашать (друзей)
3) To add friends - добавлять пользователя в свой список друзей
4) To publish - опубликовывать
5) Rate - оценивать

1) Confidential - личнное
2) Most Viewed - самый просматриваемый
3) Original - оригенальный (единственый)
4) Popular - популярный
5) Unlimited - неограниченный

Social Networks
1) Tell a friend - something that you would like to tell a friend and you send it out by e-mail.
2) Statistics - this is where a user can see who, how much and when was another user waching him (in the past few days).
3) Depository - (hraniliwe) this is where the files are kept.
4) Events - this is where a user can see what`s new in the social network that he`s signed to.
5) Parameters - this is where you can change youre profile, see the statistics and view the depository.


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